Progut - Billion spores — Pre & Probiotics

Proguthelps to:
- Healthy digestion.
- Support in Acute Diarrhea.
- Prevent from Allergy to pathogens.
- Prevention of dental caries.
- Treatment & prevention of relapses of inflammatory bowel disease.
- Maintaining the correct balance between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria.
- Treat Helicobacter pylori infection.
- Ease symptoms of Crohn's disease.
Likely Users :-
People who travel frequently; People who have digestion problem, Vaginal Infection.
Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Streptococcus Faecalis&ColstridiumButyricum, Bacillus Mesentericus, Lactobacillus Salivarius& Lactobacillus Planatrum.
Proguthelps to:
- Lactic Acid Bacillus: L. Acidophilus is thought to benefit health, since it produces vitakin K and lactase,
- Streptococcus Faecallis: Enterococcus faecalis prevents the colonization of pathogenic bacteria in the body of its host by competing with the pathogens for binding sites and nutrients, makes the immune system more efficient.
- Clostridium butyricum : Symbiotic action with streptococcus faecalis to yield short chain fatty acids such as butyric acid and acetic acid with a resultant decrease in intestinal pH and inhibition of growth of harmful bacteria.
- Lactobacillus Plantarum: Studies have consistently shown that L. plantarum was resistant to most antibiotics.
- Bacilliusmesentericus: Produces an amylolytic enzyme (amylase) and protease to activate proliferation of streptococcus. Helps in increasing the count of bifidobacteria.
- Lactobacillus Salivarius: L. Salivarius, being highly active on proteins, is able to act on protein toxins while still in the intestinal tract. By removing this burden from the organs of elimination, it allows these organs to complete their functions with much greater efficiency.
A healthy intestinal tract has over 400 different species of micro-organisms living there. They make up about two pounds of body weight.
As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 2 to 3 timesdaily between meals with lukewarm water.