Keshohills 100 ml. Oil & 500 ml Hair Oil
Main Ingredients :Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil, Lotus flower, Amla, Bhrungraj
Did you know
- The selection of herbs in Keshohills Ultra Hair Oil is based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy for normal functioning and nourishing hair roots. Additionally, benefits, refer also to improving hair texture and shine.
- Sesame Oil is considered to as the best health tonic in Ayurveda.
- Amla & Bhrungraj are considered as best Hair tonic providing essential nutrients to the scalp and thus helping in hair growth and preventing hair loss.
- Local application of hair oil helps to reduce scalp dandruff and improve scalp health.
- May support to nourish the hair roots and stimulate hair growth
- May help to delay premature graying
- May act as an excellant anti-dandruff agent

Direction of Application : Apply sufficient quantity of Ultra Oil on the scalp (Hair root) with finger tips. Leave it overnight, wash with Herbal Ultra Hair wash in the morning or as directed by physician.