Description :

  • Sitopaladi Churna is a traditional herb mix known for its effectiveness in relieving cough associated with various respiratory disorders. It is considered to be useful when there is shortness of breath, asthma, bronchitis and chest congestion due to high kapha.
  • It may be helpful in sinus congestion, sore throat, high for seasonal and allergic rhinitis from allergies to dust.
  • Sitopaladis's expectorant and lubricating action may help control congestion (kapha) and may soothe the delicate membranes of the lungs and throat.
  • Sitopaladi Churna may help increase appetite & alleviate distaste on tongue.

Ingredients :

  • Sarkara (Sugar), Vanshalochan (Bambusa arundinacea), Pippali (Piper longum), Elaichi (Eletteria cardamomum), Tvak (Cinnamon Zeylanicum)


  • Sitopaladi has been found to be effective in cough associated with various other respiratory problems.
  • It may be recommended for seasonal coughs and colds, and is considered to be a very good expectorant.
  • It is said to be a soothing aid in both dry and productive cough.
  • It may help reduce pharyngeal and chest congestion by stimulating melting of thickened mucous in airways.
  • It is said to be useful in Kapha imbalances.

Direction for use :
Churna : Take ½ to 1 tsp (3-5g) churna twice daily with water after meals or as directed by physician.