Gokshurhills Capsules Revitaliser


Suggested Use :Take 1 capsule twice daily or as directed by physician. For better results take with warm water.


  • Each capsule contains 100 mg Gokshur Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Gokshur whole plant (Tribulus terrestris)(7:1)(equivalent to 1750 mg of Gokshur whole plant). When assayed these capsules contain Saponin NLT 14.3%.
  • In Ayurveda it is included in "Shukrayanan" family, i.e. the one responsible for healthy sperms. Its aphrodisiac property helps in increasing the sperm count & improving sperm parameters.
  • Gokshur has proven spermatogenic action.
  • Gokshur has aphrodisiac properties.
  • May improve quality of the sperms.